The East Hardin Middle School Library Media Center is open daily from 7:45 AM - 3:15 PM daily.
Sherrie Norris, Library Media Specialist sherrie.norris@hardin.kyschools.us
Gloria Sanders, Library Assistant gloria.sanders@hardin.kyschools.us
New students to EHMS must return a signed 1:1 form in order to check out an EHMS chromebook from the library. Homeroom teachers will have copies of 1:1 forms. All forms will be returned to the library, please.
Chromebook orientation and distribution will be August 14th (8th grade), August 15th (7th grade) and August 16th (6th grade). Contact Mrs. Norris with any questions.
The EHMS Library Media Center will be open for checkouts and renewals on Monday, August 26th. Please review our Library Expectations prior to your visit. Thank you!
Mission and Vision Statement
The mission of the East Hardin Middle School Library Media Center is to provide a program which incorporates curriculum, technology, and staff to enable students to retrieve, evaluate, and utilize information as well as develop a love of reading and life-long learning. The library media center leads students to become life-long learners by providing access to information and creating opportunities to build the skills necessary to use the knowledge effectively.
Circulation Policy
Once the school year begins, our students are allowed to borrow TWO library books at one time. Any student who has an overdue book will have limited access until they return the overdue book. This includes students who have transferred from another school in our HCS district.
Books are circulated for a two-week period, which does not include weekends and school holidays. Books may be renewed twice, but students are reminded to have the book with them in order to renew. Reference books and Coffee Table Books are restricted to library use only.
Lost and damaged books are charged publisher replacement cost. Lost book/s that are returned by the student will have a $3.00 processing fee withheld from the refund.